Paper dolls and other paper toys

Posts Tagged ‘woodland

1a) Deep, deep into the woods, where no human has ever been, some fairies lived in giant mushrooms.

Well, that was more interesting than:
1b) In my house in Welkom, I put together a fairy dollhouse from foil, masking tape, and various odds and ends.

Decide for yourself if a) or b) is true, and which version you prefer.

2a) It was truly unexpected that a drone for Google Earth, trying to take photos of every place, happened to take this photo of their houses. So unexpected, in fact, that the Google people thought it was a hoax and threw out the photos.

2b) This is my finished dollhouse, seen from more than one angle. Some of the methods involved (foil + masking tape + paper mache) come from this video of Where the Gnomes Live. This project was done over a month, from about a week into August until today.

3a) You may think the Google Earth people were stupid, but there is one thing you did not consider: Fairies really do not want to be found. They have been know to use some plant-based potions to make people forget they ever saw them. Or photographed them.
Could this be what happened here? Well, inside the fairy home right next to the candle, on a shelf that rests on a branch, there is a book with the title Herb magic.
Or maybe humans are stupid. Maybe most of us will convince ourselves we see nothing special even when we do. Maybe, that is why the Google Earth people rejected the pictures they took in this area.

Inside left: Bed, shelf on branch, cupboard

3b) I made the bed from a throw-away plastic bowl which I cut and covered in Eucalyptus bark, and the shelf from a piece of card covered in the same way. I added a bedspread and pillow from cloth flowers, a candle and the Herb Magic book. The stone floor is made with egg carton pieces for stones, but with a bit of glitter paint to look more magical.
4a) The fairies does very well without any human intervention. Because what more does a fairy need than some berries, a pan, a cup, a little fireplace, a broom and a magic wand? Even the mirror is a luxury – no fairy actually needs one.

Inside middle and right

4b) The cupboard is decorated with tree bark, and has bead “berries” on the counter top. It also has a small vial labelled Moonbeam Essence. I made a pan from mostly foil and a small piece of wire, and put that and a 3D printed mug on hooks. There is also a tiny magic wand and a flower-frame mirror. The broom to the left of the fireplace is made from a little stick with grass on it.
5a and b) How do we know what story is true? Here is a clue: Humans will display dolls that look like fairies in boring gravity-safe spots where the dolls can stay for a long time, like the little seat to the right of the mushroom house. Actual fairies can fly, and would feel perfectly comfortable on places like the rounded roof.